Auditing saliency cropping algorithms

Abeba Birhane
University College Dublin & Lero
Vinay Uday Prabhu* John Whaley
UnifyID Labs

December 31, 2021

Equal contribution


In this paper, we audit saliency cropping algorithms used by Twitter, Google and Apple to investigate issues pertaining to the male-gaze cropping phenomenon as well as race-gender biases that emerge in post-cropping survival ratios of face-images constituting 3 × 1 grid images. In doing so, we present the first formal empirical study which suggests that the worry of a male-gaze-like image cropping phenomenon on Twitter is not at all far-fetched and it does occur with worryingly high prevalence rates in real-world full-body single-female-subject images shot with logo-littered backdrops. We uncover that while all three saliency cropping frameworks considered in this paper do exhibit acute racial and gender biases, Twitter’s saliency cropping framework uniquely elicits high male-gaze cropping prevalence rates. In order to facilitate reproducing the results presented here, we are open-sourcing both the code and the datasets that we curated at We hope the computer vision community and saliency cropping researchers will build on the results presented here and extend these investigations to similar frameworks deployed in the real world by other companies such as Microsoft and Facebook.

1 Introduction

Saliency-based Image Cropping (SIC) is currently used to algorithmically crop user-uploaded images on most major digital technology and social media platforms, including Twitter [123], Adobe [45], Google (via the CROP_HINTS API) [6], Microsoft (via the generateThumbnail and areaOfInterest APIs) [7], Filestack [8] and Apple [910]. (See the supplementary material for real-world examples from Facebook and Google.) Although saliency-based image cropping technology is ubiquitously integrated into major platforms, it often operates under the radar where its existence is hidden from the people that interact with these platforms. Recently, this technology came under scrutiny as Twitter users shared collective frustration with the apparent racial discriminatory tendency of the technology exemplified by the viral Obama-McConnell1 image [1]. (See Figure 1.)

Typically, SIC entails two phases:2 saliency estimation and image cropping [12]. In the saliency estimation phase, the weights or “noteworthyness” of each of the constituent pixels or regions in an image are estimated to generate a binary mask or a continuous-valued heatmap of pixel-wise “importance.” This is then processed by an image cropping algorithm that utilizes a segmentation policy that attempts to retain the higher-weighted noteworthy regions while discarding the regions deemed less salient.

In this paper, we audit saliency cropping algorithms from three prominent technology platforms—Twitter, Google and Apple—focusing on two areas of inquiry. The first area pertains to the nature and extent of the prevalence of male-gaze-like artifacts in post-cropped images emerging in real-world full-body single-subject settings with logo-littered backdrops. The second area concerns racial and gender-based biases observed in the post-cropping survival ratios of 3 × 1 face-image grids.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 details the three cropping frameworks considered in this paper. In Section 3, we present the design and results of our study on male-gaze-like artifacts. Section 4 covers the details of our experiments revealing racial and gender biases using an academic dataset. We conclude the paper in Section 5.

Figure 1: (a) The Twitter SIC response to the Obama-McConnell image for varying aspect ratios. (b) The Google CROP_HINTS response to the Obama-McConnell image. (c) The Apple ABSC response to the Obama-McConnell image.

2 The three main cropping algorithms

In this section, we present introductory details pertaining to the three SIC frameworks we investigate in this paper: Twitter, Google, and Apple.

2.1 Twitter’s SIC

In January 2018, Twitter announced a departure from the erstwhile face-detection-based approach for cropping images and revealed that: “A better way to crop is to focus on “salient” image regions. A region having high saliency means that a person is likely to look at it when freely viewing the image.” [2]. Twitter’s SIC framework consists of two components: The first is a saliency estimation neural network that happens to be a knowledge-distilled Fisher-pruned version [1314] of the DeepGaze II deep learning model [15]. This model produces the most salient point (the focal point) in the image that is then used by a cropping policy3 that produces the final cropped image based on the desired cropping ratio (See Section 2.3 of [3].) With this update, the claim is that Twitter’s SIC is “... able to focus on the most interesting part of the image” and “... able to detect puppies, faces, text, and other objects of interest.” We note that while their paper [3] claims the model was trained on “three publicly available external datasets: Borji and Itti [16], Jiang et al. [17], and Judd et al. [18]”, Twitter’s blog post [2] states that “some third-party saliency data” was also used to train the smaller, faster Fisher-pruned network.

2.2 Google’s CROP_HINTS

Google offers its SIC framework under the CROP_HINTS API as part of its Cloud Vision API suite. While we could not find any publicly accessible dissemination on how the underlying model is trained or on what datasets, we did parse through the available API documentation to glean the following information.

As revealed in Google’s Features list documentation,4 the CROP_HINTS detection API ingests an image and “provides a bounding polygon for the cropped image, a confidence score, and an importance fraction of this salient region with respect to the original image for each request.” The confidence score is defined as the “confidence of this being a salient region” and is a normalized floating point values that is the range of [0, 1].5

We performed all our experiments using the Python API whose documentation page6 also revealed that Google’s definition of the input aspect ratio is the inverse of that of Twitter’s.

2.3 Apple’s attention-based saliency cropping

Apple’s SIC framework was unveiled during the WWDC-2019 event [10], where two saliency-based cropping options were made available to the developers: Attention-Based Saliency Cropping (ABSC) and Objectness-based saliency cropping.7 As stated at their event [10], the attention-based cropping approach was human-aspected and trained on eye movements while the objectness-based approach was trained to detect foreground objects and trained on object segmentation. The associated slide deck [10] also revealed two important items of relevance: Apple’s definition of what saliency is, and the factors that could potentially influence the saliency of an image region. Apple defines saliency as follows: “Attention-based saliency is a human-aspected saliency, and by this, I mean that the attention-based saliency models were generated by where people looked when they were shown a series of images. This means that the heatmap reflects and highlights where people first look when they’re shown an image.” Furthermore, with regards to the factors that influence saliency, we learn that “the main factors that determine attention-based saliency, and what’s salient or not, are contrast, faces, subjects, horizons, and light. But interestingly enough, it can also be affected by perceived motion. In this example, the umbrella colors really pop, so the area around the umbrella is salient, but the road is also salient because our eyes try to track where the umbrella is headed.” By parsing through the documentation8 in [9], we gathered that Apple’s ABSC API outputs 68 × 68 shaped “image-cell region” saliency heatmaps where each entry quantifies how salient the pixels in the image-cell are by means of a normalized floating point saliency value ( (0,1]), “where higher values indicate higher potential for interest.”

2.4 Observations and comparisons

Firstly, we note that the notion of fixed-size input-image-independent image-cell in Apple’s SIC framework corresponds to the salient-region notion used by Twitter’s SIC. However, one difference is that Twitter’s salient regions are image-dependent and identified in the saliency map using the regionprops algorithm in the scikit-image library. (See footnote on Page 9 of [3].) Secondly, Apple’s and Google’s APIs return confidence scores along with the model inference whereas Twitter’s SIC framework does not. Thirdly, Google’s CROP_HINTS API is not available for free use in the public domain, and does not return saliency values at the pixel-level, saliency-region level, or image-cell level. Fourthly, while Google’s and Twitter’s cropping frameworks allow for user-defined aspect ratios to be input into the cropping policy, Apple’s ABSC framework returns a single preset bounding box to use in cropping the input image to “... drop uninteresting content.” We have summarized the algorithm comparisons in Table 1.

Table 1: Comparison of features across the SIC platforms.
Feature SIC-platform TwitterGoogleApple
Custom aspect ratio Yes Yes No
Returns saliency map Yes No Yes
Returns model confidence No Yes Yes
Available for free? Yes No Yes
Python API? Yes Yes No
Documentation on training
and cropping policy
Yes No No

3 Study on male-gaze-like artifacts

The idea of the male gaze was introduced by the British feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey in “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” [19], authored in 1973. Mulvey situates male gaze as a process whereby women are transformed into passive recipients of male objectification in media representations. (See “Woman as image, man as bearer of the look” in [19].) This often manifests as a stereotypical gaze distribution characterized by relatively longer viewing time directed at the chest and the waist-hip areas of the women being gazed upon. The experimental research in [20], for example, revealed that young heterosexual men display a distinctive gaze pattern when viewing images of a twenty-year-old female subject, with more fixations and longer viewing time dedicated to the upper body and waist-hip region. Similarly, the authors in [21] also showed that the so-termed ’attractiveness fixations’ of heterosexual males did spread from the stomach up towards the upper chest region (See Figure 1 on page 9 in [21] for the distribution heatmaps.) There was a fear on platforms such as Twitter that the crowd-sourced data used in the training of the saliency estimation neural network may have had a male heterosexual labeling bias and thereby encoded a male gaze adherent fixation in the resulting algorithm. In this section, we explore this phenomenon and shine light on the whyness of such occurrences in the saliency-cropped images.

3.1 Motivating observation and problem statement


Figure 2: A collage of real-world user-uploaded images on Twitter that exhibited male-gaze-like (MGL) artifacts.

Figure 2 shows a collage of real-world examples of user-uploaded images on Twitter that exhibited male-gaze-like (MGL) artifacts. Upon sifting through the individual images, we gathered that a common theme emerged. All these images were full-body images of people shot during red-carpet events, such as the ESPYs and the Emmy awards, with a background littered with corporate and event logos. Also, these images were long and thin images, i.e. images with length to width ratio being greater than 1. At this juncture, we suspected that the saliency mechanism was also trying to pay heed to the background logos and textual artifacts (as also suspected in Section 3.4 of [3]) resulting in serendipitous male-gaze-like artifacts in the cropped image. This motivated the following questions:
Q1: What is the underlying explanation for these male-gaze-like artifacts?
Q2: Are these observations just an artifact of sampling bias?
Q3: Is this phenomenon unique to Twitter’s SIC model, or does it also extend to Apple’s ABSC and Google’s CROP_HINTS frameworks as well?

To answer these questions, we curated a dataset of real-world images spanning 336 images over seven different albums shot over a two year period under varying real-world lighting conditions. We passed the images through all three cropping frameworks presented in Section 2. Then, we hand-labelled the resultant cropped images into two categories: those that exhibited MGL artifacts and those that didn’t. Finally, we computed the MGL risk ratios for the individual albums as well as for the overall dataset.

3.2 Dataset curation and experimental procedure

It was clear from the tweet-texts that the constituent images in Figure 2 which inspired this experiment were from red-carpet events such as ESPY awards and the Emmy awards ceremonies, a clue that was crucial in helping us unearth the primal repository of such images: The Walt Disney Television official Flickr account page.9 Then, with the help of a team of human volunteers, we curated seven sub-datasets that were event albums posted from this account that contained images of women that also satisfied all of the following criteria:
Size-ratio criterion: The height-to-width ratio should be at least 1.25.
Full-body criterion: The image should contain the subject’s full body and should not have any MGL artifacts to begin with.
Consent criterion: The image should be clearly shot in a public setting where it is ostensibly clear that the subject was consensually and consciously present to be photographed as part of a public event, and bereft of any voyeuristic artifacts.
Background constraint: The image should contain a background littered with corporate and event logos.
Permissions criterion: The image should be ethically viable to be subjected to our research plan from the point of view of frameworks such as Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic license (CC BY-ND 2.0) that facilitates analyses with the attribution and noDerivatives constraints.10
We curated the dataset in the form of static URL lists that we then passed as inputs into the three above listed SIC framework APIs.

3.2.1 Experimental procedure

As shown in Table 1, Google’s CROP_HINTS API does not return saliency values but returns a bounding box as per the user-defined aspect ratio. While Apple’s ABSC framework does return a 68 x 68 pixel buffer of floating-point saliency values, it only provides for a preset single bounding box whose dimensions might not be adherent to the aspect ratio being across enforced uniformly across all frameworks. Therefore, we formulated the following strategy to compare the results. We treat Twitter’s SIC framework to be the base framework and adapt the other two to perform a fair comparison. In the case of Google’s CROP_HINTS framework, we directly use the bounding box estimated by the model in response to the same image with the aspect ratio set to be precisely the inverse specified for Twitter’s cropping. Specifically, we set the aspect ratio to be 0.56 for Twitter’s SIC and 10.56 1.7857 for Google’s CROP_HINTS API.

For Apple’s ABSC, we first up-sample the 68x68 saliency heatmap to fit the image size using OpenCV’s resize() function (with the default bilinear interpolation), and then find the focal point (or the max-saliency point) from this upsampled image. Then, we pass the co-ordinates of the focal point along with the same universal aspect-ratio (of 0.56) into the plot_crop_area() function11 to obtain the final crop. This essentially helps us produce the result that answers the query: “What would the crop look like if we were to use Apple’s saliency estimation model with Twitter’s cropping policy?” that in turn helps delineate the model bias from the vagaries of the cropping policy.

3.3 Results and discussion


(a) Three examples of Non-MGL crops with face-centric focal points.


(b) Three examples of MGL crops with non-face-centric focal points.


(c) Three examples of fortuitous non-MGL crops with non-face-centric focal points.
Figure 3: Examples that explain the whyness of cropping of the MGL dataset images based on the locationing of the focal points.

In this subsection we present experimental results to the three questions raised in Section 3.1.

Q1: What is the underlying explanation for these male-gaze-like (MGL) artifacts?

To answer this, we turn our attention to Figure 3 that consists of example images alongside the corresponding saliency-cell-maps output by the Twitter-SIC framework. To summarize, we found that the saliency focal points of the images, a key factor in deciding whether the crop suffers from MGL artifacts or not, falls into three sub-regions in the image. In Figure 3a, we see examples where the focal point was on the face of the image of the subject that resulted in face-centric crops that did not suffer from MGL artifacts. In Figure 3b, we see how the focal point mapped to either the fashion accessory worn by the celebrity (left-most image) or the event logo (the ESPYs logo in the middle image) or the corporate logos (the Capital One logo in the right-most image) in the background which resulted in MGL artifacts in the final cropped image. In Figure 3c, we present examples of cases where a benign crop (free of MGL artifacts) emerged out of lucky serendipity where the focal point was not face-centric but was actually located on a background event or corporate logo(s), but the logo coincidentally happened to be located near the face or the top-half of the image thereby resulting in a final crop that gives the appearance of a face-centric crop.

Q2: Are these MGL cropping observations on Twitter just an artifact of sampling bias?

To answer this, we present Table 2, which contains the rate of prevalence of MGL artifacts across the seven albums and 336 images. As shown in the table, the MGL prevalence rate varied from 19% to as high as 79%, with 138 of the total 336 images verified to suffer from MGL artifacts. There is an overall prevalence rate of around 0.41 (95% confidence-interval12 of (0.36, 0.46)) for such real-world red carpet images with logo-littered backgrounds.

Q3: Is this phenomenon unique to Twitter’s SIC model or does it also extend to Apple’s ABSC and Google’s CROP_HINTS frameworks as well?

Our experimental results show that both Google’s CROP_HINTS and Apple’s ABSC frameworks did have a strong face-centric locationing of the saliency focal point. In Figure 5, we present the only three images where Google’s CROP_HINTS bounding-box did not entirely include the entire face. Further, we found that Apple’s ABSC consistently produced non-MGL face-centric saliency crops for all the images, which was compelling especially given that their API documentation13 educates the developer that their model does in fact pay heed to the constituent text, signs or posters in an image.

These findings regarding Google’s and Apple’s SIC approaches led to further investigations of the confidence scores and the importance-ratios provided with these APIs that allowed us to check if these were low-confidence estimates or low importance-fraction lucky estimates. In Figure 4 we address this possibility by means of album-specific scatter-plots and box-plots. As seen from Figure 4a, 4b, and 4d, Apple’s model was slightly more confident than Google’s CROP_HINTS model over the 336 images. Figure 4c also indicates that Google’s importance fraction associated with these images was consistently above 0.5 implying the crop had at least 50% saliency of the entire image. Furthermore, as can be seen in Figure 4e, neither Google’s nor Apple’s model confidence scores yielded any clues whether Twitter’s SIC would result in MGL crops.

Important Note: At this juncture, we’d like to explicitly inspire caution against reductionist interpretation of these results as some sort of a validation of superiority of Google’s and Apple’s saliency cropping approaches. These are preliminary results obtained with seven specific albums spanning 336 images and a specific aspect ratio of 0.56. While drawing upon the aphorism of the ”absence of evidence not being evidence of absence”, we’d like to call upon the computer vision community as well as the ethics departments at these respective industry labs to more rigorously test across a wider swath of datasets as well as aspect ratios.

Table 2: Summary of the MGL dataset and post Twitter-SIC MGL statistics.
ABC-16 (2000, 3000) 20 5 0.25
AMA-14 (1000, 1500) 43 13 0.30
EMMY-16 (2000, 3000) 127 24 0.19
ESPY-15 (2000, 3000) 45 32 0.71
ESPY-16 (2000, 3000) 42 33 0.79
ESPY-17 (2000, 3000) 37 18 0.49
(1500, 2250)
(2000, 3000)
(1500, 2500)
13 0.59


Figure 4: Plots capturing the variation of the confidence scores and the importance-fraction produced by the APIs.


Figure 5: The three images where Google’s CROP_HINTS exuded quasi-MG artifacts.

4 Study on racial and gender biases

4.1 Motivating observation and problem statement

In Figure 1, we present the results of the viral Obama-McConnell image [1] when passed through the three SIC frameworks considered here. This is a 3 × 1 image grid consisting of Barack Obama (the 44th president of the United States) and Mitch McConnell14 separated by a rectangular patch of white pixels. An important observation that emerges from the image is the idiosyncratic long shape (width of 583 pixels and a height of 3000 pixels) consisting of slightly elongated face profiles of the individual images with slight shape asymmetries (Obama’s image is of size 583 × 838 whereas Mitch McConnell’s image is of size 583 × 936). In order to understand whether this viral image was a one-off happenstance or indeed a flagship example of the inherent racial bias embedded in the machine learning models, we ran an experiment. We first created a synthetic dataset consisting of many 3 × 1 image-grids and passed these through the three SIC frameworks being considered and computed the bias metrics. The details are presented in the sub-sections below.

4.2 Dataset curation

In order to compare the results with Twitter’s study [3], we generated a synthetic dataset of images sampled uniformly from the six race-gender ordered pairs [(BM,BF), (BM,WM), (BM,WF), (BF,WM), (BF,WF), (WM,WF)] where B is Black, W is White, M is Male, and F is Female. The constituent 3 × 1 grid images were all sized to be precisely 583 × 3000 in order to retain the same idiosyncratic format observed in Figure 1 with the format being: I = [Fi,W,Fj]T . Here W represents the 583 × 1226 sized white blank image inserted in the middle and Fi and Fj represent equally-sized images of faces of individuals belonging to the race-gender categories. Given that the two constituent images were of heights 936 and 838 pixels in Figure 1, we set the height of the constituent face images in our dataset to be the mean of the two (887 pixels) in order to ensure that the size of the image would not emerge as a confounding factor. Further, in order to control for other factors such as saturation, size, resolution, lighting conditions, facial expressions, clothing and eye gaze that might influence saliency, we picked all the “neutral expression”15 faces from the Chicago Faces Dataset (CFD) [22] that consists of controlled images of volunteers that self-identified themselves as belonging to race and genders denoted. This, would not only allow us to supplement and compare the results from [3] but also permits us to side-step indulging in customized mappings of race and ethnicity used in the study. (See the supplementary section for the mappings obtained from the Jupyter Notebook shared at In Figure 6, we present one sample from each of the six race-gender ordered pairs along with the most salient point and the bounding box obtained when passed through Twitter’s SIC.


Figure 6: Examples from the CFD-based synthetic dataset curated for the study in Section 4.

4.3 Experiment and results

We generated a dataset of 3000 random images (500 each sampled from the six race-gender configurations) and passed them through the three saliency cropping frameworks explained in Section 3 with the default aspect ratio of 0.56. Owing to the long and thin dimensions of the images, the aspect ratio chosen and the cropping policy, only one of the two constituent faces emerges unscathed from the cropping process allowing us to compute survival ratios across the six race-gender categories being considered. In Table 3, we present the raw counts of which of the two categories survived the SIC across the 6 × 3 race-gender and SIC-platform combinations presented. For example, the (Twitter,BFWF) indexed cell reads WF: 409, BF: 91, which means that when 500 3 × 1 grid-images consisting of randomly sampled Black-Female (BF) and White-Female (WF) face images from the CFD dataset were passed through Twitter’s SIC, in 409 of those images, the White-Female face was preferred over the Black-Female face. In Figure 8, we present the results of reproducing the demographic parity analysis that computes the probabilities that the model favors the first subgroup compared to the second from Figure 2 in [3]. As seen, for the WM-BF and WF-BM combinations, the erasure-rates of the faces of self-identified Black individuals are far higher under the conditions tested here. Additionally, as observed in the Google row of Table 3, we see the emergence of a third category labelled middle, pertaining to images where the SIC bounding box focused on the white space in the middle of the image. In Figure 7, we present example images covering such occurrence across the six combinations considered. We noted that the same effect exists in our initial study on Facebook as well (See the supplementary section for a collage of examples). In Rule 3 of Twitter’s cropping policy [3] we encounter the following nuance that “If the saliency map is almost symmetric horizontally (decided using a threshold on the absolute difference in value across the middle vertical axis), then a center crop is performed irrespective of the aspect ratio.” We speculate that a similar rule used in Google’s internal blackbox cropping policy might explain this behavior. (Note that this is not an outlier occurrence and happens to 17–22% of all the images across the six categories.) We also note that in the case of both Apple’s and Google’s SICs, the extreme negative bias observed for White-Female faces in the WMWF combination (“WM: 287, WF: 119, middle: 94” and “WM: 317, WF: 183” respectively) was a marked departure from Twitter’s SIC behavior for the same images where the WF faces were preferred over WM faces.
Important note: As we experimented with these frameworks, it became amply clear that we were grappling with an incredibly brittle algorithmic pipeline replete with adversarial vulnerabilities [2526]. We saw from close quarters how trivial it was to change one aspect of the very same base dataset (such as the height-to-width ratio or the lighting or the background pixel value) and radically transform the survival ratios across the categories considered. Simply put, the brittleness of the cropping frameworks made it worryingly easy to ethics-wash the survival ratios in any direction to fit a pre-concocted narrative. Hence, akin to [3], our main contribution is in presenting a verifiable and systematic framework for assessing the risks involved rather than the specific survival ratios that are quintessentially a set of metrics clearly susceptible to the risks of Goodhart’s law [27].


Figure 7: Examples where neither face could survive the cropping with Google’s CROP_HINTS framework.

BF: 269
BM: 231
WM: 294
BM: 206
WF: 448
BM: 52
BF: 256
WM: 244
WF: 409
BF: 91
WF: 351
WM: 149
BM: 294
BF: 120
middle: 86
BM: 265
WM: 128
middle: 107
BM: 299
middle: 102
WF: 99
BF: 196
WM: 193
middle: 111
BF: 209
WF: 180
middle: 111
WM: 287
WF: 119
middle: 94
BF: 339,
BM: 161
BM: 363
WM: 137
BM: 389
WF: 111
BF: 385,
WM: 115
BF: 396
WF: 104
WM: 317
WF: 183
Table 3: Face survival results of the CFD cropping experiment covering the three SIC platforms considered.


(a) CFD bias results with Twitter’s SIC.


(b) CFD bias results with Google’s CROP_HINTS.


(c) CFD bias results with Apple’s ABSC.
Figure 8: CFD bias results across the 3 SIC platforms.

5 Conclusion and future work

The recent controversy [1] surrounding racial and gender bias in Twitter’s saliency cropping framework lead to a self-directed non-peer-reviewed audit by Twitter recently published on ArXiv [3]. However, saliency cropping frameworks are not Twitter’s problem alone and are ubiquitously deployed as part of computer vision API suites by many other technology behemoths such as Google [6], Apple [910], Microsoft [7] and Facebook among others. In this paper, we publish an audit comparing the SIC frameworks of Twitter, Google and Apple. In doing so, we address two broad issues surrounding race-gender bias and the male-gaze artifacts found in post-cropped images. To this end, the race-gender bias study is complementary to [3], albeit carried out with a different academic dataset (Chicago Faces [22]) that controls for confounding factors such as saturation, size, resolution, lighting conditions, facial expressions, clothing and eye gaze. All the experiments presented in this paper are systematic empirical evaluations involving images whose formatting and sourcing mirrors the exemplar images observed on the real-world Twitter-timeline. The dimensions of the synthetic 3 × 1 image grids were set to replicate precisely the (in)famous Obama-McConnell image and the sourcing of the male-gaze analysis dataset(s) was directly inspired by the specific images that Twitter users uploaded of celebrities during red-carpet events such as the ESPYs and the Emmys.

Our investigations revealed that much akin to Twitter’s SIC framework, Google’s and Apple’s SIC frameworks also exhibit idiosyncratic face-erasure phenomena and acute racial and gender biases. Further, we also discovered that under realistic real-world conditions involving long-and-thin-dimensioned full-body images of women with corporate logo-littered backgrounds, the risk of male-gaze-like crops with Twitter’s SIC framework can be significantly high (138 out of 336 images, or 41%).

Through this study, we hope to not only inform and inspire further audits of other saliency cropping frameworks belonging to Facebook and Microsoft with varying aspect ratios and larger datasets, but also urge Google and Apple to take a cue from Twitter’s admirable efforts and disseminate more detailed documentation pertaining how their models were trained and what datasets were used.


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